With help from landowners, funding partners, local contractors, and 150 volunteers, the WRP completed a variety of work to protect and improve access to the White River in 2021:
-25 stewards visited White River Water Trail sites around the watershed each month, from May-September, to monitor site use, report hazards, and remove trash;
-25 volunteers monitored water quality at 25 swimming holes around the watershed, from May-September, to help us determine whether the river is safe for swimming;
-100 volunteers removed 10,500 pounds of trash from the river during 2 river cleanup events, including 225 tires; and
-A local contractor constructed parking, walking trails, and a set of stone steps to improve river access in Gaysville.
Check out the 2021 White River Water Trail Highlights report to learn more!
2021 Water Trail highlights
Posted: January 3, 2022 by wrp_admin
With help from landowners, funding partners, local contractors, and 150 volunteers, the WRP completed a variety of work to protect and improve access to the White River in 2021:
-25 stewards visited White River Water Trail sites around the watershed each month, from May-September, to monitor site use, report hazards, and remove trash;
-25 volunteers monitored water quality at 25 swimming holes around the watershed, from May-September, to help us determine whether the river is safe for swimming;
-100 volunteers removed 10,500 pounds of trash from the river during 2 river cleanup events, including 225 tires; and
-A local contractor constructed parking, walking trails, and a set of stone steps to improve river access in Gaysville.
Check out the 2021 White River Water Trail Highlights report to learn more!
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