(802) 763-7733 info@whiteriverpartnership.org PO Box 705, South Royalton, VT 05068

WRP Members

Active support from our dedicated members creates a strong foundation for the WRP’s work. We hope you’ll consider joining the WRP as a member today

Individual Members

Concerned students, individuals, and families

Business Members

5 Olde Tavern, S. Royalton
AHT Plumbing & Heating, Sharon
Barrister’s Bookstore, S. Royalton
Birds of a Flower, Woodstock
Canonica Farm & Forest, Chelsea
Catamount Kitchens, Randolph
Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction
DuBois and King, Randolph
Fat Rooster Farm, Royalton
Frankenburg Agency, Randolph
The Herald of Randolph, Randolph
Historical Publications, Tunbridge
Hook Construction, Chelsea
Hurricane Flats Farm, S. Royalton
Inner Traditions, Rochester
King Arthur Flour, Norwich
Lessard Management Services, Barnard
Northfield Savings Bank, Randolph
Resource Systems Group, White River Junction
Silloway Farms, Randolph Center
Target Enterprises, Randolph
Tozier’s Restaurant, Bethel
Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission, Woodstock
Verdana Ventures, Randolph
Vermont Law School, S. Royalton
VHB, S. Burlington

Contributing Towns

Hartford Conservation Commission
Randolph Conservation Commission