River trash report

We need your help to identify where trash was deposited along the White River during the summer 2023 floods.

We invite you to report any trash you find in or along the White River. We’ll use your reports to focus our cleanup efforts in 2024.

How to Get Involved

Do you know the location of trash in or along the White River? Please follow the steps below to submit the location of the trash:

  • Identify trash along the river – we are looking for the following types:

Flood-related trash – from large items in the river that require an organized effort to remove (gas tanks, home appliances, large pieces of metal, etc) to small piles washed-up on the banks

Tires – one tire or piles of tires

Trash dumps – recent or historic trash piles

  • Complete the Trash Report Form
  • We will follow up with additional details and clean up plans based on your submission


Please contact Christian Pelletier with questions: christian[at]whiteriverpartnership.org. We look forward to hearing from you!